Meeting point for health and technology, a forum to develop collaborative projects across health and technology at HVL and HFD, is organizing a mini-conference in the Learning Lab at the University College building, June 12, 08:30-13:30.

Registration at this link, deadline for registration is June 7:

Who is the conference for?

Everyone at HVL and Health Trust Førde who wishes to work at the intersection of health, digitalization, technology, and:

  • with projects across and in collaboration within:
    • research
    • innovation
    • development work
    • teaching

What is the threshold for participation?

Low – this is low-threshold, and why? Well, some have ideas for projects, some have a project (big or small), some wish to join a project, some want collaboration but don’t yet know what exactly – and want to get ideas for projects they can collaborate on. Most importantly, we need to get to know each other better – professionally and personally.

What is required of me?

This could, for example, be a presentation of an A3 poster, where you include some of the mentioned elements, and which you can share with others. Or you can participate without presenting anything other than yourself.

How will this take place?

  • Conversations/presentations/mini-lectures around multiple tables/“islands.”
  • Inspirational lectures
  • Mixing and mingling

Program for the day

8:30 Coffee and mingling in the Learning Lab
9:00 Welcome and information about the day. What is our goal with the mini-conference?
9:15 Division into “islands.” Get-to-know-you exercise and awarding winners.
9:35 Inspirational lecture with Joachim Vie from Norse Feedback and Jeanette Svarstad from Helse Førde
10:00 Coffee chat
10:15 Presentations and discussions on the islands
11:30 Lunch
12:15 Information about strategic university initiatives within health and technology at HVL, by Yngve Lamo
12:20 Presentations and discussions on the islands continue
12:50 Coffee chat
13:00 Five-minute summary and then plenary discussion among the islands
13:25 Summary of the day

The program may be adjusted depending on the number of presenters.